Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer Sun | John Pearson + Pam Jorden + Tyler Vlahovich

Summer Sun
July 14 – August 18
Reception Saturday, July 14, 6-8pm

Taylor De Cordoba is pleased to present Summer Sun, a group exhibition curated by LA-based artist Hadley Holliday including works by Pamela Jorden, Emily Newman, John Pearson and Tyler Vlahovich. The exhibition will run from July 14 – August 18, 2012 with an opening reception on Saturday, July 14th from 6 - 8PM.

In Los Angeles the sun is our constant companion. In summer it screams down from indigo skies commanding us Outside! Rejoice! Recent events have made angelenos more aware than ever of the sun’s presence. In May 2012, the strange twilight of an eclipse cast a lonely shadow over the city. A few weeks later a “little black spot on the sun” reminded us of the sun’s massive girth as Venus, a planet similar in size to the earth, appeared as a tiny speck traversing the sun’s surface.

With the passing of the solstice, the days begin to shorten and yet in LA the temperature continues to rise. Contrast increases and shadows darken against the white light of the sun. Mirages transpose images of the sky onto the earth. Venturing into the cool of the gallery, these featured artists meld mystery, beauty, joy and fear into images of our quotidian experience sparkling in the summer sun.

Hadley Holliday’s abstractions flood pigment against a geometric framework to create fluctuating radiant spaces. Pamela Jorden’s paintings contrast soft and hard, fluid and solid with a jubilant interaction of shape and pattern. Emily Newman’s videos explore imagination, legend and utopian aspirations in everyday life. John Pearson’s cyanotypes and videos are meditations on light and shadow, the process a direct translation of sunlight into image. Tyler Vlahovich’s high contrast paintings and idiosyncratic sculptures point to the ritual roots of mark-making.

Taylor De Cordoba
2660 S La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Hours:  Tuesday – Saturday, 11am-6pm.
(310) 559- 9156